Come Journey with Us!
Have you ever considered using your IT skills in missions work? Has God been moving in your heart, a longing for "something more" in your work than just the "rat race"? Is our Lord stirring a vision within you for a new creative way to glorify Him in missions with your IT experience? Do you sense you are at a crossroads in your walk with Him? Do you have a lot of responsibilities and feel unsure how to proceed? Has your job been affected by the economy, and you're wondering if God may be nudging you in a new direction?
If so, we'd like to stand with you and pray with you! You probably have a lot of questions, and are yearning to seek God's face and to hear from Him. We'd be blessed to be a part of His work in and through you. Do contact us and let us know!
Urgent Need: We're in urgent need of missions-minded software developers with programming skills in JavaScript, AJAX, and/or C/C++ to assist us (as volunteers, interns, or full-time missionaries) in some very important open-source projects for missions. Please contact us for more information!
Free 10/40 Window Prayer Map
Some 90% of the people who have never had a chance to hear about Jesus are in what's called the "10/40 Window", a region stretching across northern Africa, through parts of the Middle East, and across southern Asia. Pray for the unreached peoples of the world and live with intentionality, whether your role in missions is as a sender or a goer. Learn more about the 10/40 Window, and get your free poster by contacting us or by downloading the image.
Worship and Pray!
We welcome you to our weekly prayer, worship, and devotional gatherings! You can join online from anywhere, or in person if you're in Colorado Springs; come join us for sharing, worship, learning, and prayer for each other and for the world. If you'd like information on this gathering, please contact us for more information!
Join Missions Full-Time...
Many missions (including us!) are in need of software developers, analysts, consultants, and more. We've worked with missionaries and home offices representing more than a hundred organizations, and so we're familiar with a lot of the need! Feel free to write us if you'd like to know more.
Joining missions full-time is a big step, a giant leap of faith. You'll be laying aside your huge financial earning potential, a lot of the "creature comforts" you are used to, and more. You'll be trusting God to provide for you in ways you've probably never before dreamed! He is faithful!
Partner With LightSys Part-Time...
Perhaps you'd like to get involved but need to do so on an occasional or part-time basis. If so, we'd love to come alongside you. We have two key areas of ministry that you might be interested in, CODN and the LAN.
Come participate in our ninth annual Spring Break Code-a-Thon for Missions! This March, we'll host three or four gatherings of students and professionals who desire to use their coding, design, writing, graphics arts, and security skills to further the Kingdom of God. We've hosted over twenty of these one-week hackathons since 2012, and we enjoy seeing people engaging their skills for the kingdom of God. Come join us for this event, and perhaps you'll get to work on a project like Joshua Project's Unreached of the Day app which was written (original Android version) and inspired (iOS) by teams at our 2012 and 2015 events, and which has been used by the Lord to mobilize people to reach unreached peoples with Jesus' good news.
The LightSys Associates Network (LAN), the membership-based voluntary service arm of LightSys, is a way you can serve alongside us on a part-time or occasional basis to help out missions. For example, you might want to take a short-term trip with us to help a certain mission group, or perhaps you'd like to spend three months of each year working with several missions in your area of IT specialization. We're here to help provide the community, infrastructure, trust, and contacts to let that happen!
Kardia and Centrallix are a pair of Open Source software projects what we're working on for missions. We'd love to have you join us and help! Kardia is a ministry administrative software suite for missions, and includes things like accounting, donor management, mailing lists, check writing, and more. Centrallix is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) / Declarative Domain Specific Language (D-DSL) application platform that provides the infrastructure for Kardia.
CODN, the Christian Open Development Network, is a community and resource for developing software solutions for missions and Christian ministry, using the "open source" paradigm. If you're a software developer and have some time to help out on a semi-regular basis, check out CODN!
Get more information about Code-a-Thon or LAN!
Take a Short-Term Trip...
Are you interested in helping missions and missionaries overseas, by taking a short-term (2-3 week) trip? If so, we have two options that you can choose from.
Are you good with basic PC repair and maintenance? If so, contact us for more information about partner ministries of ours which sponsor "Tech Trips" overseas to a missions conference to help fix missionaries' laptop computers.
Do you attend a missions-minded church that might be interested in sending a technology-savvy missions team overseas? If so, we may be able to help you organize and plan such a trip. Your team will travel to one or more countries, and use skills such as network wiring and setup, Linux and Windows server troubleshooting, training, consulting, and more, to bless several missions groups in a particular area and thus help them be more effective in their ministries. Write us for more information!
Join the LightSys Team...
Are you ready to take the step of joining with an intentional Christian community focused on furthering the Great Commission? We have several needs, including:
And, if you have a specific vision for technology in missions that you'd like to pursue through LightSys, please feel free to let us know - we're open to new and creative ways to serve the Lord. LightSys is first and foremost a fellowship of like-minded believers who serve and pray together, learning to be more fruitful and impactful together than apart.
If you are interested, please contact us for details! We'll get back with you so we can discern how best to proceed. Please note that full-time work with LightSys is on a support-raising basis.
Know God. Forget what's behind. Press on toward the Goal. Journey With Us.