Spring Break Code-a-Thon for Missions Logo

2025 Fourteenth Annual

Mar 3-7 | Mar 10-14 | Mar 17-21 | Mar 24-28

Code :: Design :: Worship Jesus :: Pray :: Have Fun :: Meet Missionaries :: Learn

Our Fourteenth Annual Spring Break Code-a-Thon for Missions is coming up in March of 2025! Code-a-Thon is a time where Christian software developers, designers, project managers, and tech writers can gather for coding, fellowship, prayer, worship, learning about missions, and fun. We'll look forward to seeing you at LightSys in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado this coming March!

Registration is now closed for 2025.

Code-a-Thon Q&A:

  • I'm interested in coming! Get a team (or teams) together! We recommend coming as a group of at least three people, but individuals and those in smaller groups are welcome and we'll likely join such groups with other groups when forming teams.
  • Is this open to non-programmers? Yes! We need graphics designers, project managers, and tech writers, to be a part of the event, too, but we specifically do need programmers on all of the project teams.
  • What programming languages will be used? The most common have been Android Java, PHP+MySQL, HTML+CSS and Javascript, iOS/ObjectiveC/Swift, and C/C++, but there have been a smattering of other languages/environments, too.
  • Will I have time to go hiking? Yes (weather permitting)! We give one day off during the week for you to go have fun outdoors.
  • Will LightSys have Code-a-Thon during my Spring Break week? We'll host Code-a-Thon during weeks in March where we have sufficient interest. Let us know if you'd like to attend!

  • I'm not sure I'm experienced enough in programming (or a related field) yet. We'll have professional software developers who help us review our project proposals, and many of them are willing to help you better understand the design, scope, and nuances, of your project.
  • Is this a Hackathon? Yes! We just use the term Code-a-Thon so that your non-tech friends and family can better understand the name of the event (i.e., we're not unlawfully breaking into computers!), though just between us, yes you can call it a Hackathon. :) It does, however, differ from a traditional hackathon by having a different schedule and timbre, with a spiritually immersive environment and a longer schedule that provides about 35 hours of actual programming time.
  • What's the Cost? Code-a-Thon is free, except that we do request that you raise some support so that you can be a part. For our March 2025 events, you will need to raise funds (tentatively, $180 per person, for 2025) for LightSys so you can be a part. Donors can send support to LightSys, for the Code-a-Thon fund, and donations are tax-deductible. You also may want to have some of your own spending money to do fun things on your day off.
  • Is this just for students? Anyone can come who wants to use their skills to further Jesus' kingdom around the world! We are specifically holding this event during Spring Break so that university students can come, but the event is not limited to students. Come join us!

More Opportunities at LightSys...

Interested in information about Code-a-Thon as well as about internships, our gap year program, full-time work with LightSys, volunteering, helping to review project proposals and mentor participants, or other ways of helping in missions with LightSys? Help us start to get to know you at: http://LightSys.org/start.

Or, check out more ways you can get involved!