Privacy Policy for LightSys Events App...

Thank you for your interest in our LightSys Events App! We'd like to take a moment and share with you the ways that the app interacts with you, and how the resulting data is used.

Overview: Except as outlined under "Network Connections" below, LightSys does not gather any data from this app beyond the data that your device (Android or iOS) already gathers (number of installs, most common countries where the app was installed, etc.). See the Google Play or Apple App Store privacy policy for more about the data that those companies gather.

Use of Camera: The app uses your device's camera to scan a QR code. The URL contained in the QR code is used to load the event data, but no other imagery from your camera is sent outside of your device.

Network Connections: When you scan an event QR code with this app, it causes the app to connect to a website associated with that event. This connection, due to the way your device and the Internet operate, reveals your current IP address and device version to that website during that initial retrieval of event data, as well as while the app is checking for updated event notifications. You will need to contact the organization hosting the event for further information about how that organization handles this collected information. For events hosted by LightSys, this collected information is not shared outside of LightSys.

Contact Information: If you have further questions, you may contact us. Thank you!